Gardening Ideas Using Recycled Materials:
Well said that:
“ Gardening adds years to your life, and life to your years.”
You may love gardening but don’t have enough budget to plant. You even don’t know what and how to plant. Well, don’t worry, I am here to help you. After learning the years of experience of mine, you will surely be able to start gardening. Now the question arises, how can I start gardening with little or no money? The answer is simple; you are going to use recycled materials for this purpose. I’ve shared some easiest ways, using them a beginner can plant like a pro. Let’s start:
Selection of what to plant:
It depends on your taste, whether you like greenery, or you like flowers at your home. There is also a factor of available room, which may contribute to your selection of seeds. If you are looking for indoor plants; marigolds, castor beans, and money plants are the best choice. These species don’t need sunlight or much heat for their growth, so can be easily grown inside the home.
For outdoor gardening; pumpkins, tomatoes, peas, etc., are the easiest ones to grow which can be grown even in bottles, and they don’t need much care. Flowering plants usually require a bulk of soil and a lot of care. But if you have these both things, plant some flowering plants and they will make your garden much beautiful.
Seed starting ideas by recycled materials:
Seeding the plants and then looking at them growing is a very captivating experience. But this is the most difficult era of plant growth. You have to take care of a large number of factors, like proper light, aeration, moisture, temperature, etc. A little negligence, in this case, fails seeds germination. There are some custom trays available in the market to start the seedlings, but you can use your household recycled materials for the same purpose.
Following is a list of such recycled things which can be used to sow the seeds.
Cold drink bottles:
Disposable plastic bottles and canes are present in every home. Otherwise, they are easily available at scrapyards at a negligible price. These are specifically useful for plants, like money plants or water lily, which grow merely in water and do not require soil. The plastic bottles can be used to start seedlings. Another interesting use of plastic products is to cut their bottom and use them as a cloche. The cloche is then put on the newly growing plants. The enclosed plastic acts as a mini-greenhouse and provides heat to the germinating seedling. Also, it protects it from snails and small insects.
Water dispensers:
Water dispensers are a little costly than bottles, but you can find some broken dispensers at scrapyards at a reasonable price. These recycled dispensers will act exactly like plastic bottles, but they have enough room to grow a fully mature vegetable plant. It can be used to grow unseasoned vegetables in your garden. What you have to do is to cut its bottom, and place it on the plant.
Disposable cups:
The process of seeding is always done in small pots. When seeds germinate and grow to a height of few inches, they are planted in a garden or at someplace where there is enough soil to grow the plant. In both cases, the small pots used earlier are disposed of. So despite buying the traditional pots and disposing of them later is not a good idea. You can use disposable cups for this purpose. You will find many disposable paper or plastic cups at home. But if you don’t have them at home, don’t worry, you can visit a coffee shop and ask them for the disposed of cups. Disposable plastic cups are more useful because they are not affected by soil or water. But make sure to make a drain hole at bottom of the cups before planting the seeds.
There are several idle materials at home, which are broken or you are about to send them to the scrapyard. But, remember you can use such things for gardening.
i-Worn tires:
Used and worn tires can provide you with a large room, enough to be used as a flowerpot. So whenever you observe your car’s tires have worn out, don’t throw them out. Place them in a suitable place, paint them according to your taste, and use them for planting flowers or else you want to plant.
ii-Garden shower by plastic bottle:
Once you’ve got the seeds germinating, you need to water them. There is no need to buy a shower from the market, you can do it yourself at home. Just take a drain pipe of washing machines and a simple plastic bottle. Make some tiny holes on the cap of the bottle, and separate the cap along with a small portion of the bottle. Now join the pipe and bottle with some strong adhesive, and use it as a shower, it will do its job excellently!
Wall hanging plant ideas:
A very fascinating way of decoring a home with plants is to wall-hang them. Some plastic pots with a rope tied to them, are available in the market, but due to the reason, self-done is well done; you have to make them at home.
i-A very cool idea is to take a hanging birdcage, fill its bottom with soil mixed with fertilizers, and spray some seeds of flowering plants. It provides an outstanding look.
ii-Moreover, you can take empty tin canes, spray paint them, punch some holes and tie them to the wall. Used tires can also be used in this way. Tie them in a vertical position, and plant the plants in their bottom.
iii-If you know sewing, you can make the best wall hanging easily. Take some cloth sacs, open them and make a vertical hanging with two to three simple pockets. Now fill pockets with soil and put some plants in each pocket.
iv-The most amazing wall hangings are the upside-down pots. These can be made easily with plastic bottles, tin cans or ceramic jars.
v-You can use the glass jars and tie their top with a rope, and they can be used as a beautiful wall hanging.
vi-Another interesting way is to make a simple box with wood strips, join its corners to rope, and place ordinary pots over it.